Fred Krogh's Unfinished Business

Everything we post here is public domain, do with as you wish. Fred is in hospice care, and wishes to pass this on to any who might be interested.

A paper on an algorithm for integer programming problems

This paper suggests using only specially constructed planes, and never requires branching. The resulting algorithm could result in polynomial time solutions for problems that now require exponential time. See paper on integer programming.

Big zip file with work we have done on an active set method.

See The big zip file See Background on directions for this active set method.

Patterson's formulas for quadrature

If done properly we have solid evidence that these formulas are easily twice as efficient (in terms of evaluations of the integrand), with much better reliability. There are two things that need attention here. Most vexing is an efficient and reliable way to isolate singularities. If this is not done, the code may work, but reliability takes a big hit. In the zip file here is a big dump of files used for quadrature. This includes some test code to isolate singularities using fourth differences. This show some promise, but some clever person might find something better. The second issue is picking interval to solve next as well as the target order of the formula to use. All this is fairly straight forward, but still requires more work. This algorithm has been used for multi-dimensional quadrature, and should be useful for this purpose for up to 3 dimensions. The zip file should be enough to scare most people away.

Van Snyder has been very involved with the development of this code, Email: Van Snyder Van has also been an essential guru for my dealing with the latest versions of Fortran.

See zip file for quadrature code.

A neglected idea for using trust regions in solving nonlinear problems.

See, R. J. Hanson and Fred T. Krogh, A Quadratic-Tensor Model Algorithm for Nonlinear Least-Squares Problems with Linear Constraints", acm-TOMS, v. 18 number 2, pp 115-133.

The key point here is that allowing increases in the nonlinear objective can pay big dividends. But of course allowing arbitrary large increases in the objective has it own hazards. The key is to us Levenberg Marquardt stabilization to define a trust region. The size of the this trust region shrinks if the nonlinear problem has an increased objective, but one allows an arbitrary increase in the objective if the solution to the linear problem has an expected objective that is less than the best seen so far. Of course, if that test fails, one must go back to the solution giving the previous best nonlinear objective and start there with a much smaller trust region. Allow big increases in the nonlinear objective can get one to the desired solution much more quickly, as long exercises some care to insure that things don't get out of hand.\

An improvement on Filon's method for quadrature of oscillating functions

I have thought for some time that this would make a nice master thesis project. The problem with Filon's method it that it is not as accurate as it might, and more importantly provides no error estimates. Both of these problems can be addressed by using the same idea as in Filon's method and to apply them to using Gregory's formula (like Euler-McClaurin, but using differences instead of derivatives). One must be prepared to deal with cancellation for some cases by using some symbolic algebra system, to derive good results when otherwise severe cancellation would result in useless results.


As long as I'm able, if you send an email, I will post both nice and nasty comments below. Email Fred


Last modified: /Thu Feb, 1 16:37:47 PDT 2024